The Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies (JADE) is a multi-disciplinary journal that publishes scholarly works on development. JADE publishes development works related to the following themes:
Leadership and policy
Business and economics
Agriculture and environment
Transformative education and
Technological advancement
Articles are peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis by our Reviewers.
We accept both theoretical and empirical works in many fields. Please see Submissions for styling guidelines and submission process.
JADE is published on an annual basis. JADE is free; there are no submission or publishing fees. Articles are published in English and circulated to be read globally. Therefore, we advise authors to thoroughly review their manuscripts to ensure they conform to the scope and format of JADE, and correct for grammatical errors. It is possible that an article may meet muster due to the rigor or innovativeness of the content material, but not published by JADE due to grammatical errors. Therefore, we strongly suggest authors to use professional proof-readers to review and format their articles for possible consideration for publication at JADE.
Errors and mistakes in published articles are not that of reviewers or the editorial board. The works reflect the position of the authors, and opinions of any published article should not be construed as an endorsement by JADE and its actors. They solely reflects the position of the authors.
Authors who publish at JADE transfers the copyright to JADE and its sponsor, IADE
Authors assigns to JADE and its sponsor, IADE, all copyright and all rights therein, including but not limited to the right to publish, republish, transmit, sell, distribute and otherwise use the contribution in whole or in part in electronic and print editions of the Journal and throughout the world, in all languages and in all media of expression now known or later developed, and to license or permit others to do so.
Authors agree not to reproduce, post, transmit or distribute or use the final contribution in whole or in part in any other medium or journal. Authors agree that publishing with JADE transfer all copyrights to JADE and its sponsor, IADE. Thus, citation to the JADE and appropriate credit to JADE and its sponsor, IADE, are expected.